Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chris matthews wonders how the GOP can support an indian chick but not a black guy

I find it hard to believe that even matthews is this stupid. not impossible, but hard. I think i see the democratic plan for november taking place, call everyone a racist. it won't work, as a tactioc or an excuse after the fact, but stupid is as stupid does.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Boss passes on

George Steinbrenner passed away from a massive heart attack this morning. His passing marks the end of an era for me, a guy who turned 14 in 1978 when the Yanks made baseball history. (again, but they had sucked basically my whole life up till George's arrival ) He was the last of the free wheeling titans who once ruled american sports, the Charlie Finleys, the Paul Browns... There was really just him and Al Davis left and now its just crazy Al.

Most yankee fans had a love hate relationship with George, especially once he stopped winning championships in the 80's and came to embody the impatient, petulant dictator of the age, compiling left handed DH/First basemen until practically every left handed bat with pop in that time period played at least a few months in pinstripes. And it needs to be noted that the Jeter- Bernie-Rivera-Posada-Pettite era was probably made possible by The Boss being suspended at a time when he might have been tempted to trade one of those guys for a guy about to be a bum.

But the one thing you could never hang on George was that he didn't care. Or he wasn't trying. And in any time and place, but especially these days, when it seems like you can hang both those negatives on the people in charge just about everywhere, the guy who at least is trying, the man who does something, rather than throwing up his hands and playing golf is always going to get the benefit of doubt, especially in hindsight. ( that might apply to another George of note as well )

So rest in peace, Mr Steinbrenner, knowing your legend will only grow in the re telling as your faults are washed away by time until someday you become St George who brought life back to the Bronx with fire and sword and a ton of free agent cash.

There can be no greater tribute to the Boss than Yankee fans right now looking at eachother and thinking "this is why we didn't get cliff lee "

I can't put it any clearer than this: If Steinbrenner owned the knicks, there would be a new sherriff in town, wearing # 23 and speaking in the third person, and you can take that to the bank.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

this is clever

clever. there's no way to spin the complete lack of any budget at all as's rather an admission . No one is even pretending anymore that it all adds up, or makes any sense at all fiscally. They caN'T

I might try this

for years I carried a monopoly " get out of jail free card" in my wallet, figuring it was worth a shot if I got arrested...this is even better

a fair question from Jon Stewart

Bubba Boom

it seems to me that BP would intentionally stall at this point in hopes of saving their investment...maybe we should have blown this thing up months ago.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Big Edge Radio news coming up....

I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you. Stay tuned.