Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chris matthews wonders how the GOP can support an indian chick but not a black guy

I find it hard to believe that even matthews is this stupid. not impossible, but hard. I think i see the democratic plan for november taking place, call everyone a racist. it won't work, as a tactioc or an excuse after the fact, but stupid is as stupid does.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Boss passes on

George Steinbrenner passed away from a massive heart attack this morning. His passing marks the end of an era for me, a guy who turned 14 in 1978 when the Yanks made baseball history. (again, but they had sucked basically my whole life up till George's arrival ) He was the last of the free wheeling titans who once ruled american sports, the Charlie Finleys, the Paul Browns... There was really just him and Al Davis left and now its just crazy Al.

Most yankee fans had a love hate relationship with George, especially once he stopped winning championships in the 80's and came to embody the impatient, petulant dictator of the age, compiling left handed DH/First basemen until practically every left handed bat with pop in that time period played at least a few months in pinstripes. And it needs to be noted that the Jeter- Bernie-Rivera-Posada-Pettite era was probably made possible by The Boss being suspended at a time when he might have been tempted to trade one of those guys for a guy about to be a bum.

But the one thing you could never hang on George was that he didn't care. Or he wasn't trying. And in any time and place, but especially these days, when it seems like you can hang both those negatives on the people in charge just about everywhere, the guy who at least is trying, the man who does something, rather than throwing up his hands and playing golf is always going to get the benefit of doubt, especially in hindsight. ( that might apply to another George of note as well )

So rest in peace, Mr Steinbrenner, knowing your legend will only grow in the re telling as your faults are washed away by time until someday you become St George who brought life back to the Bronx with fire and sword and a ton of free agent cash.

There can be no greater tribute to the Boss than Yankee fans right now looking at eachother and thinking "this is why we didn't get cliff lee "

I can't put it any clearer than this: If Steinbrenner owned the knicks, there would be a new sherriff in town, wearing # 23 and speaking in the third person, and you can take that to the bank.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

this is clever

clever. there's no way to spin the complete lack of any budget at all as's rather an admission . No one is even pretending anymore that it all adds up, or makes any sense at all fiscally. They caN'T

I might try this

for years I carried a monopoly " get out of jail free card" in my wallet, figuring it was worth a shot if I got arrested...this is even better

a fair question from Jon Stewart

Bubba Boom

it seems to me that BP would intentionally stall at this point in hopes of saving their investment...maybe we should have blown this thing up months ago.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Look at that dead cat bounce !

another poll that, while bad for obama on the surface, is actually even worse when you look at the internals and see that they've oversampled democrats, and used "adults" instead of registered voters, which would have favored the GOP, or even "likely voters" which would have favored the gop even more. Its only the completely, hopelessly biased ABC polls that now show the chosen one above water. Watch now as the media tries to 'splain it all away by telling you its all because we're just not smart enough to figure out how totally awesome the government take over of health care is. Rubes.

the war no one wants to talk about

It doesn't fit the narrative, and the media can't pin it conveniently on bush, so its like its not happening. there's a war going on between the drug lords and the mexican army, and the outcome is far from a sure thing. There should be troops stationed on our southern border, when we bring all those guys home from Iraq, let them patrol here. People are being killed oput of some inane desire for what ? political correctness ? the hispanic vote ? I dont get it.

Doctor tells Obama supporters: Go elsewhere for health care

funny, he's just making a point, not tuirning folks away, but at least he understands what's happening here.,0,6040296,full.story

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

just awesome

"Ahh the smell of sizzling bacon mixed with the smell of gunpowder and weapon oil."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hack writer uses only tool he has

This stuff used to make me angry, now it just bores me to tears, although its more than a little annoying that this guy gets paid actual money to regurgitate this drivel. Of course the tea partiers are racists ! What other explanation could there be ?

How many times have we seen this same weak ass article written ? It's the absolute refusal to accept the merest possibility that people actually have legitimate differences with this president or his agenda. Its what we see from todays left in every situation, from global warming to health care, so convinced of their moral and intellectual superiority, so secure in the knowledge that they are in the right, that they view any dissent as illegitimate almost by definition. The mere fact that you disagree, you see, proves that you're wrong. Republicans ? Independents ? The bourgeoisie, you mean ? Please. Those knuckle draggging mouth breathers are just racists.

Who needs facts and reason when you have unshakeable moral authority ?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Two IDF soldiers killed in Gaza clashes

In any other place on earth, this would be considered an act of war, the elected government of the palestinian territory, Hamas, has claimed responsibility for ambushing IDF soldiers. No other nation earth would be expected to take this except Israel. If Israel responds as any other nation would, the international "community" (ha) will jump all over them. I'll say it again, you want peace in the region ? Destroy Hamas and Hezbollah, root and branch. Until them, its a colossal waste of time.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Obama Lying his ass off, on video.

I'd say this was a big deal, except that he's been caught openly lying like a thousand times this year, and the O-bots don't seem to care. I guess we've all accepted he's completely full of shit and we're moving on.

Israel-US relations hit historic low

This is not good, not good at all. I think so much time and effort has been wasted in trying to influence public opinion among arabs and palestinians, rather than calling a spade a spade and stating clearly that the palestinians are the problem, and they have a limited time to knock oiff the crap or get smoked. We in the america always use our own western mindset as a template for other cultures, but its really not analogous. The middle east is a strongman's world, what we see as reasonableness and empathy, they perceive as weakness, and weakness begets violence.

Israelis want peace, the Palestinians want victory, not nearly the same thing. We've allowed this to go on so long now that the palestinians, used by every two bit islamic gangster as their cause de celebre' for so long that they've been turned into little more than a giant death cult, ruined by schools that teach poison, and psychotic parents who send them out to blow themselves up.

There is absolutely nothing honorable or commendable in continuing a war you've clearly lost. Robert E Lee, after five forks and before appomattox, had the opportunity of disbanding his army and sending it into the hills to wage a guerilla style campaign againast union forces that would have gone on for years and years. But Lee knew, ultimately, that all he would achieve by doing this was to destroy the country he loved and turn it into something else, something horrific. Palestinians made the wrong choice, and they've sacrificed all honor and dignity in exchange for death destruction and futility. I think the palestinians should get what they want,
unfortunately it appears they still want war.

If you ant to achieve real lasting peace in the region, then the complete destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah would be an ideal place to start. Obama's typically ham handed tone deaf foreign policy is only going to drive a wedge between us and our best friend in the gulf at a time when we need all hands on deck .

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CBS Poll: Most Want GOP to Keep Fighting on Health Bill

This is a CBS poll surely oversampling dems, so this is pretty big, I would think. Again, in all the polls I've seen, even the ones that seem to support o care, the breakdown in independents is pretty startling, 2 out of 3 independents favor the GOP's efforts to repeal. That is the sort of number that causes landslides.

a word cloud for congress from PEW

Former Gitmo detainee returns to the Taliban

Of course he does. The geneva conventions clearly states we can hang these assholes, and thats what we should do. As far as what message that sends, to me, it sends precisely the right one.

Sales of New U.S. Homes Dropped in February to Lowest on Record "unexpectedly

Despite the inane " unexpectedly" tag that's laid on by the sycophants that write this drivel, this is pretty much what I figured. The first time home buyer credit program simply pushed up all those people plannign on buying a house to do it faster, creating an artificial "bump" similar to what the clash for clunkers program did for car sales, and now, with that over, we return to the long slow decline. The bottom line remains: financing is incredibly hard to come by because banks aren't letting go if the taxpayer money they got handed to them by the fed through TARP, and because no one in their right mind is going to take on any new obligations they don't absolutely have to with the government dead set on destroying whats left of the economy. If you don't have a job, you can't buy a house, if you do have a job, you're afraid you'll lose it.

Now, if the government had just let things run their natural course, we would have seen a rash of ( well deserved ) giant bank failures, a rash of (equally well deserved ) foreclosures, and then, like spring after a bad winter, tons of smaller, smarter banks rising up to replace the old, a glut of suddenly affordable houses as the prices dropped due to the foreclosures, and another housing boom as first time homebuyers snapped up all the bargains.

But instead, we rewarded stupid lending by propping up the big banks, we rewarded stupid borrowing by propping up the people who bought houses they couldn't afford, and we're still in a long slow freefall.

The bottom line, as always, capitalism works, the free markets work, and government intervention is nearly always a disaster in the long term.

BOA to give 30 percent reductions to homeowners overleveraged

So, basically, if you bought a house you could afford, and paid the mortgage on're a fucking moron. Sigh. Let's keep rewarding idiotic behavior, so as to encourage more of it. Wonderful. This may be the best move for BOA as writing off 30 percent is far better than gettign stuck with tons of REO repossessed houses that require continued maintenence, tax payments, etc, but it sends completely the wrong message, and also ensures that no one will learn any lessons from all this.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

just caught the new runaways movie

Quite good, amazing that a 16 year old chick like cherie curie can somehow go to japan with a rock band with like zero supervision. had to love the 70's. The girl from twilight was very good as Joan Jett and Dakota fanning as Curie was off the hook. I will watch most any rock band movie, from the five heatbeats to that thing you do, I love them all.

Fox News Poll: 79% Say U.S. Economy Could Collapse

I find it extremely positive that people, ( including 72 percent of new socialist party members) are awake enough to know that Barry, Nancy and Harry are asleep at the wheel and heading past the "bridge out" sign, because after all, admitting you have a problem is the first step.

Obama fails to sign the flimsy piece of paper he paid off stupak with

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

14 states file suit to stop obama care

This is interesting as they are not all red states, I think even Democratic governors at this point are faced with the very real pospect of bankruptcy over the medicaid shortfalls they are expecting. Unlike the federal government, the states cant just print money to offset deficit spending, the money has to come from somewhere, and the state coffers, with the exception of a few states like texas are already empty. Another option for the states is to invoke Article V of the constitution and force a constitutional convention, which is how Prohibition was repealed.
You would need state legislation in at least 2/3's of the states to force congress to hold the convention, and best of all ? The president has no role in the convention process ! So we won't have to see the chosen one babbling incessantly for once. I think that this is a real possibility because again, these governors can only play partisan politics to a point, they eventually need to face reality of suffer the very real consequences of insolvency.


I've been known to er, "weaponize" chili myself.

the A-10 warthog

really cool. hat tip, instapundit.

"Social Conservative issues"

I detest labels of all sorts, ( except when I am the one doing the labeling of course, then its all good ) but particularly galling to me are the issues known as "Socially Conservative" positions.

I don't think the two main issues that make up this platform plank can be reconciled with each other, and of course, I am talking about abortion and gay marriage. There is this idea that these two issues can go hand in hand, but I don't see it. To me, these are two completely different issues and need to be dealt with separately.

Abortion to me, is purely a rights infringement issue. I used to think that when you were born, you were alive, and not before, but medical science has advanced us to the point where its pretty obvious that at some point prior to birth, thats a kid in there, and then, by definition, that kid is a US citizen, with all the rights and protections that come with it. Helpless does not translate to right less. Now liberals and conservatives have both tried to define this debate on their own terms, which is why, of course, no one is Anti-choice, or Anti-life. Both positions sound reasonable at first glance, and thats intentional. How could anyone be against life or choice ?

But like most things, its not that simple, and my one question to the pro choicers would merely be " What choice does the kid get, exactly ?"

I do believe that a woman should do as she pleases with her own body, but that is offset by the simple fact that an unborn child is not part of a womans body anymore, its a whole new body, a tenant if you will.

Now on one level, this becomes complicated, you have a situation where one US citizen is currently residing inside another US Citizen, but if you take the tenant analogy just a bit further with me, it becomes pretty simple. You own the house, but the tenant has rights as well. You don't want the tenant ? Well, you shouldn't have signed the 9 month lease. Actions have consequences. Deal with it. You can't kill people cause they're inconveniencing you.

The usual caveats also fall short using this analogy, abortion "to save the life of the mother" assumes that one life has intrinsically more value than another, and thats as anti american as it gets. The "abortion for rape victims" at the risk of sounding callous, still fails the test, you do not punish a child for the sins of his father, rape is a horrible crime, but the child is innocent. And before you get all crazy on me, I support the death penalty for violent rapists, do you ? If not then kindly STFU, you hypocrite.

I do think that you will see the end of Roe V Wade in our lifetimes, for a couple reasons, one being that ultrasounds and other technologies make it crystal clear long before birth that there's a kid in there, and the other being the legal precedents set by high profile multiple murder convictions for say, Scott Peterson, where the second count of murder involved the unborn child.

Now, on to Gay Marriage, the other supposedly "conservative social issue"

As I have stated in the past, my views are primarily libertarian, I am a firm believer that our bill of rights clearly gives us the right to pursue happiness in our own way, however wacky our way appears to others. I feel the only limit on that right should be ( rather obviously) when your pursuit of happiness infringes on someones else's rights. And that, to me, is that. Do I "approve" of two guys getting married ? No, I think its pretty creepy, sorry (although two women doesn't bother me at all, oddly enough). But, the bottom line,in a free society, is that its not for me to approve or dissaprove, in fact, its none of my damn business. If you want me on board the anti gay marriage train, then show me the rights that are being infringed. Until then, I'm not interested. If you think telling people what to do with their personal lives is a conservative value, then I guess I'm not your sort of conservative, and I've already told you label me at your own risk.

The debacle that is Obama Care

First off, spare me the anecdotes. If you are trying to get me convinced that spending a few trillion dollars we dont have is a good idea, telling me the sad sad story of Nancy Joe Osgood, who lost her job and can't get health insurance and is now going to die/lose everything/be severly inconvenienced in some way is not going to get it done. The thing is, in America, everyone's got a story, and it's usually far more complicated than a soundbite or paragraph can tell you. Maybe Nancy Joe is a drunk, maybe she beats her kids, maybe she squandered all her money on bingo. The real question is: is this bill going to help the country or hurt it ? Eye on the ball people.

Secondly, stay on point. Don't run the "poor people need help" stuff. Yes, I know that, thats why there's medicaid, there aren't enough poor people in america to justify spending a trillion bucks on them. you could take a billion, and give 50 grand to every poor person and be down with it. We all need to be a little more willing to do basic math. Like when they tell you a 10 billion dollar jobs bill is to help 4 million people on unemployment get another month extension. 10 billion divided by 4 million is 160,000 per person. for one month. Thats nonsense.

This is all very basic math, Medicare and SSI alone, right now, have mandated 47 trillion dollars in future promised payments. The entire wealth or this nation, every dollar, penny, savings account, stock, bond, asset, everyhting, only comes to 50 trillion. So we have already promised the entire wealth of the entire country for two social programs going forward, and we want to add another one ? Insanity. The needs of the many may outweigh the needs of the few, but unfortunately, the funds of the few aren't nearly enough to cover the needs of the many, its not callous or evil or mean spirited to point this out. We are heading off a fiscal cliff in this country, and all this bill does is put the pedal to the metal.

The new blog explained including a mission statement

So I'm joining the 21st century in progress, sue me. I decided to start this blog as an outlet for my thoughts, rather than annoying my facebook friends incessantly, badgering pedestrians, the mailman, and that possibly mentally challenged weird guy at the park who I run into twice a week and who never remembers who I am the second time. I live on long island ( not IN IT, folks) I have a wife, 4 kids, and a dog who I love dearly, usually in that order, but the depth chart does change from time to time depending on prevailing conditions.

I used to be a rich banker A-hole, but now I mostly play guitar with my band The Mondays host a radio show called The Edge with my partner Mark Santomauro, do some freelance radio and tv work, and hang around with my border collie Sienna, who is probably smarter than your average member of congress.

My political party consists of me, pretty much, as I am a Libertarian Imperialist. I believe that any man or woman will succeed or fail based primarily on their own as a direct result of their own words and actions. I believe in nation smashing, not nation building, I don't believe in helmet laws, seat belt laws, drug laws, or anything else that interferes with my god given right to pursue happiness. I used to be a liberal, but hanging out with liberals cured me of that. Then I became a conservative, and hanging out with conservatives cured me of that as well. So, if you agree or disagree with me on any particular issue, don't expect it to continue for long.

I'm hard to insult because I don't really care what you think of me for the most part, I am pretty comfortable in my own skin. I think we are all being sold a bill of goods with this Red Vs Blue crap, and its time we all started realizing that the true battle is us against them, them being the Know-better-than-you-crowd in DC, currently played by the New Socialist Party that holds power, but soon to be reprised I am sure by Big Business Party in November. I firmly believe in American exceptionalism, I've been all over the globe, and mostly, except for the food, it sucks, its comprised of long lines, weak lighting and armies of civil servants.

Popular opinion and conventional wisdwom do not sway me in the least. Most people for a long time thought the world was flat, now, most people think its round. In fact, the earth is an oblate spheroid, and it doesn't care what you think.
So please, read a little further, stop by when you can, comment if you'd like, educate me when you feel the need, and spank me if I am really asking for it.